Green Medicine New Jersey Well Test Results

As required by Condition DD of the Township’s Planning Board Resolution PB#2022-07, GMNJ (“Applicant”) was required to test and monitor four (4) surrounding wells to ensure that there are no negative impacts once GMNJ goes into full operation.  The attached report as prepared by Princeton Geoscience, Inc., dated September 20, 2023, indicates that no negative impacts were found or are expected. The Township Engineer Office’s hydrogeologist has also reviewed this report and concurs with the conclusions.

An additional attachment is the summary from Stover’s Wells and Pumps’ memorandum, dated August 25, 2023, summarizing observations on the day of the pump test.  The Township engaged Stover’s Wells and Pumps to monitor three (3) additional wells beyond the four (4) wells mentioned above that were formally monitored by GMNJ professionals.  Of the 3 wells that Stover’s Wells and Pumps monitored, the only well that showed any movement and the interference noted was within the acceptable range. 

The Township Engineer’s Office has concluded that based on the available data and on communications with both Princeton Geoscience and Stover’s Wells and Pumps, the operational pumping from the proposed GMNJ project is not expected to adversely affect any of the tested off-site wells.