Open Space

Preservation of Open Space has been a Township priority since the mid 90’s, and came into full fruition with the adoption of the Open Space Trust Fund in 2000.

The Open Space Committee has worked with the CADB (County Agricultural Development Board), the SADC (State Agricultural Development Board), and various non-profit organizations (most notably D&R Greenway) to preserve lands in the Township.  While this effort helps to maintain our rural character, it also protects our water supply, helps reduce flooding, allows for filtration of soil born contaminants, protects the air quality, provides habitat for native and migratory species, provides for recreational activities (trails and parks), and preserves a large portion of the Sourland Mountain, the last contiguous forest in Central New Jersey.

To date, 6663 acres have been preserved in West Amwell as:

  • Preserved farmland, Green Acres, and State acquisitions - 6008 acres
  • Conservation Easements - 413 acres
  • County preservation - 242 acres

Fun fact: As West Amwell is comprised of 13,978 acres, we have preserved about 43 percent of the Township.


Staff Contacts

Board Members

Name Title
Julie Chang Member
George Fisher Member
Sharon Dragan Member
Stephen Bergenfeld TC Liaison
John Cronce Chairman